
Sabrina Hersi Issa cares about living her values and keeping Black and Brown people alive, well and thriving. She is a human rights technologist committed to leveraging innovation as a tool to unlock opportunity and dignity for all. She does this through her work in technology, media and philanthropy.

Sabrina is a Race and Technology Fellow at Stanford University’s Digital Civil Society Lab. She builds blueprints for moonshots at Be Bold Media a global strategy and innovation agency and leads Bold Impact, a nonprofit lab for world-builders. She is the founding Managing Partner of Democracy Well a movement network and collective fund for democracy and leads Survivor Fund, a political fund focused on championing the rights of survivors of sexual violence.

Sabrina is an opinion contributor to MSNBC and NBC News. She organizes The People’s Iftar, a campaign to gather community and raise funds for grassroots organizations serving Muslim communities and Rights x Tech, a forum for technologists and activists. She created the Bold Prize. She writes a dope newsletter.