Why don’t we all quit?

A few weeks ago I was supposed to be meeting with a dear friend and colleague and the logistics got all twisted. I thought it was a FaceTime but really it was a Zoom— but your Zoom or mine? Who knows. Eventually I clicked into the right virtual room and a surprise guest was there! I was momentarily confused. I thought this meeting was just the two of us?

My friend explains, she mixed up stuff too and accidentally double-booked herself but waved us both to stay in place, “I wanted to introduce you all anyway! You two should know each other! ”

I loved this whole scenario because it was like the virtual version of bumping into a colleague in the hallway at the office which, because of this pandemic, none of us have done in too long. My new virtual friend and I happily waved hello to each other and she shared with us that she had literally just resigned from her job. I was elated for this person I just met. “Oh my God, I’m so happy for you!”


Yes, really!

“The last time I quit something, I immediately got happier, hotter and richer. My entire life improved. I’m so excited for you!”


“It was outstanding because the baseline was high— my life was already pretty great!"

I understood her skepticism, it is hard and scary to leave and grieve a place you thought would make a great, safe professional home. It is difficult and understandable to experience quitting as a loss and not a harvest. When I think about places I’ve left, I’ve only regretted the personal negotiations I made to make staying “okay” (reader: it is never okay).

My new virtual friend shared her resignation letter with us over that Zoom, a week later her departure was being covered in the press. A few weeks after that her next venture was being celebrated in Fast Company. Happier, hotter, richer. She is living the level up and the James Baldwin quotation that goes, “The place in which I'll fit will not exist until I make it.”

Professional homes are important but it is most important to be able to come home to yourself. When staying made it impossible for me to do that, the eject button was a glorious reprieve. The last time I had a last day, four giant bouquets of flowers got delivered to my house from friends and my seven year old niece excitedly declared, “I can’t wait until I get to quit a job!”

Let’s normalize writing better and healthier next chapters.

Lately, many people I am close with are in various stages of the painful process of quitting things and I have very much enjoyed being proud of them. And even though I've been extraordinarily busy I’ve been having fun brainstorming ways to express that pride. This morning in between Zooms, I texted a co-conspirator, “What are your thoughts about mariachi bands and consent?”

What are you trading at the expense of joy?

Why don’t you quit?

What am I reading now?

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Now please go take a nap!
